
Showing posts from 2019

How Can a Child Experience Authentic Historical Discovery?

What is the actual work real historians do?  How do we learn about the past?   How do we learn about the world pre-writing? After reading the Introduction in Story of The World by Susan Bauer, we watched historian Beverly Cri er explain the role archaeology plays in the discovery of history and discussed: How do archaeologists choose an excavation site? Can an archaeologist gain insight into a culture after one dig site?  The children realized that historians depend on on another. Teams of archaeologist refer to other dig sites to determine a pattern of locations and determine the best place to dig. The next day, we watched Dr. Loren Davis demonstrate the tools and methods archaeologists use to excavate.  And then we headed outside, where an excavation site was waiting. The Invitation Imagine you are archaeologists in the future digging in our backyard to learn about our family.  I chose not to try to imitate items from actual cultures and times

Valentines Breakout

We recently built our own breakout boxes, and the children enjoyed going through a variety of puzzles on Valentines day to receive their gifts.  They asked us to wrap all their presents this way from now on! If you'd like any of the puzzled we used for ideas for a breakout of your own, you can access them for free! They were designed for a 2nd and 5th grader.