
Showing posts from March, 2020

Composting: Environmental Learning Part 2

We recently sparked the flame for our passion and interest in environmental learning , and then the children were ready to take action to begin a new focus on reusing and reducing in addition to our recycling efforts. This will be one of multiple posts about how we are integrating our enviornmental learning into our home school. So many of us who grew up in the 80s and 90s learned how important it is to recycle, and thus, we focus a lot on that and feel that we are doing enough.  But we now know just recycling is not enough.  We also have to increase our efforts to reduce and reuse, and in our house, composting is our first step in reusing. Building our Composting Schema: A Reading List We started by building on schema (our knowledge) by reading books together about composting and by creating a how-to based on our learning. What's Sprouting in My Trash? by Esther Porter Composting (Do It Yourself Ecology) by Buffy Silverman Compost! by Linda Glaser ...