A Revery: Our First Field Trip

On Day 3 of school, we went on our first field trip to a local park with a lovely little lake. We started with our typical morning meeting-- but in the grass surrounded by water and the sound of the wind in the trees. We read this poem by Emily Dickinson: To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee One clover, and a bee. And revery. The revery alone will do, If bees are few. We then briefly talked about what a revery is (a daydream) and the prairie ecosystem where we live. The children spent the next four hours, exploring, picnicking, pretending --a true revery-- and kayaking on the little lake. As they played after I had finished taking them out in the kayak, I listened for questions the children had about the nature around them, careful only to listen rather than answer, to allow extended time and space for wonder. One of the children is reading the book Magic by the Lake , and the children reveled in the daydream of the lake granting wishes abou...